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viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

Copiar-Pegar. El alcohol. English version

Original Link Copiar-Pegar: El alcohol

This I found by chance, as always, and I want to share.


It is very important to know that:

Alcohol is a depressant drug central nervous system, even at low doses decreases mental alertness and motor coordination.

It is absorbed in the stomach and intestine, passing into the blood, which is distributed throughout the body, leading to effects related to blood alcohol level.

Its main component ethanol. So when we give "jug" is tolerated by the body worse, because it is bad alcohol distillate, which means that it is adulterated. The notes because generally the cup has a certain smell and taste of cologne. If you see that you do very cheap drinks gets suspicious and demands to open a new bottle in front of you. Although the effects vary from person to person, probably the next day you have a terrible hangover.

Drinking too much alcohol it can cause very negative effects, do not be tempted to find out about the pathos of alcohol.


Everyone goes through a series of phases or stages according to the amount, type of alcohol you drink and the personal conditions of each:

First, "we catch the point or dot." We get euphoric, wanting fun, laughter loose we loose, we are all colleagues, and we noticed a (false) sense of being in control all the reflections we are beginning to slow and reduces the responsiveness as we drink (we can reach down the cup of his hand, to be less skillful ,...).

"Pillar a fart or a slice." We started to sputter, with thick, clumsy mouth, it is difficult to understand us, we blurred vision, and begin to have feelings of sleep, we can easily stumble because they look good and it cost us to maintain balance. Conas bother for us and our colleagues can we get angry easily, which sometimes ends in fights for no reason. Start dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In the end, sometimes just throwing squid or the remains.

If we drink, which is quite usual, because we think that there is still room for one more drink, and finally up to us all at once, as the alcohol takes around 20 minutes to appear its effects on the body. Ethyl coma can result, with loss of consciousness (we are out, and we did not know anything about what happens around us) and glare (we can fall and take a good hit, sometimes lead, falling asleep in a chair or anywhere) and there is a large muscle relaxation. What all this may cause cardiac arrest in fatal consequences.

Keep in mind that the effects of alcohol vary from person to person by weight, physique, metabolism. What "holding" a colleague, may not stand you.


Are that the person becomes more irritable, especially in the early stages of drunkenness, even melancholy place and given to mourn. When you have less ability to react may be suffering some kind of accident (fall, motorcycle or car accidents, unwanted pregnancies ,...).

Do not forget that excessive consumption of alcohol and continued to harm the liver, pancreas and stomach.

Risk Mitigation:

* If you drink, think about what you have to do the next day and have intoaccount there may be a hangover.
* If you do not drink, keep your choice throughout the night (not required for drinking, having fun with colleagues).
* Fulfill your limits. Do not get rolling and put limits on schedule, pelas ...
* Keep in mind who is going to drive that night. If you've drunk searching for alternatives, like a taxi or a walk again. Also keep in mind that your car is possibly the only one you have.
* Do not mix different types of alcohol. That's going to cause a hangover even higher.
* Take a good dinner before running out. Avoid alcohol rise suddenly and make you less damage to the stomach.
* If you go for dinner, keep in mind, usually start drinking earlier. Do not finish the night earlier than expected. Dosed your drinks.
* Please note that the amount of alcohol that takes a drink and a shot is the same. Watch the games with drinks is easier than to misjudge and you're done moving.
* Do not get the publicity Bind the holidays, the only purpose is to sell more and consume more than you had originally planned. It is critical that kind of publicity.
* Do not drink the drinks in one gulp. You Drink, DO IT SLOWLY and tasting glass.
* Avoid the bottle. The drink of poor quality in the stomach upsets and more surf. You decide where you take the glasses. Nobody likes being deceived.
* If you want to drink too, occasionally pause. Drink a soda or choose low alcohol drinks.

The dot to fart.

* After the initial symptoms to catch a dot, if we keep drinking, we can spend at a bar. Some people get heavy, violent, bad walk, falls easily and vomits.
* Sometimes, alcohol causes us to cool with each other and end up stuck in arguments, many of them for no apparent reason. Ask yourself if you go to have fun or to cut the roll to the rock.
* When you wrong, you've caught a fifteen fart surely be your colleagues who have to carry with you, and annoy the party for you and them. They will have to get into a taxi (if you want to stop and go, that's another story) or hold on until you punt. Do not they charge you. And are they who pay for your excesses.
* If you notice that you can not take your fun without a drink, watch, and question your relationship with alcohol. Do not kid yourself, the more you drink the more you need to catch the dot.
* Alcohol more and more hooked. Sometimes it seems you can not have fun without him. Also drinking too much has other dangers.

A pillar temita.

* The drink may increase the desire of having sex with a stranger or Liarte. There are people who try to get to the force. Respect the decisions of others, and never do anything that the other person will not or do not want.
* When we drink, and sexual theme, we are not aware of the risks (unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and HIV), and we can forget the condom. "Use a condom, have fun BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER."

When you do not drink.

* When you're pregnant or think you can be. If you drink, the fetus receives the same amount of alcohol, the mother, as it passes through the placenta to the fetal blood. The fetus is particularly sensitive to the action of this toxic substance that can cause you physical and mental defects.
* When you take certain medications (antibiotics, sedatives or antidepressants ,...). Mixing drugs with alcohol, can dangerously increase some of its effects, and impede the treatment. If you're bad be careful and do not drink.
* Who leads.
* When you do not want. When you feel like. When you do not want. TU DECIT
* Working, studying, exam time.

If you drive.

He thinks that alcohol produces a false sense of security. When you drink, it diminishes your ability to drive. You think you're able to drive under the same conditions, but your reactions are more really slows down and not respond in the same way (not calculate the distances and the speed of other cars, you increase the speed and therefore the chances of an accident).

Ethyl coma.

Faced with acute poisoning with loss of consciousness (if the alcohol passes of 3 g / liter, the person falls into a coma and may die from collapse and respiratory arrest).

1. The first thing you should do is put you in the safe position (lying on its side to prevent choking on vomit shot). * Photo PLS.
2. Check the person's vital signs remain (breathing and pulse), if they are irregular or lack of them, should be to hit an emergency service (112). * Photo ambulance.
3. Cover the person with a blanket, etc ...

While waiting for the ambulance, be sure to talk to the person to prevent sleep. It is very important, you control all the time vital signs, level of consciousness and breathing. It provides the intoxicated person a place (physical space) is safe and free of hazards.

Can also induce vomiting if they have not spent more than two hours after ingestion. Note that this does not eliminate the alcohol and also be absorbed and can damage the esophagus.

It is totally false that:

1. A coffee reduces the effects of alcohol.
2. A shower improve reflexes.
3. Drink water to decrease the effects of alcohol.
4. Emit large amounts of urine remove the alcohol.
5. Remove the alcohol vomiting blood.
6. It can drink more alcohol if you eat a lot.

All these actions create a sense of momentary improvement, but not eliminate alcohol from the blood.


It is the clinical picture that happens in the hours after the excessive consumption of alcohol. Affected the autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular system and blood, digestive system and neuromuscular system.

Symptoms may include:

1. Headache or headache.
2. Nausea and vomiting, inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
3. Diarrhea, bowel irritation.
4. Thirst and pasty mouth.
5. Dizziness.
6. Muscle stiffness.

Note that:

* The only way you will pass a hangover is to rest. Need some time until the blood alcohol is metabolized and disappears.
* A cold shower and a coffee will clear you can relieve your symptoms, but not end up with a hangover.
* After a binge, drink more fluids. Alcohol is a diuretic, and makes you feel thirsty, which is a sign of warning to restore body fluid.
* Not more than you would have a time without touching the alcohol after a binge. A period of abstinence is the best way to recover the body.


Ethics alcohol. Energy Control.

Fernandez, V, Ibanez, I. and Mariscal, L. Risk alcohol. Prevention of risks associated with alcohol. (2003). Eusko Jaurlaritza.

Ibáñez, I. Mariscal, L. and Fernandez, V. Program risk reduction associated with drug use. A different reality?. (2003).

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